Posts tagged pain management
Episode 423: Cannabis Saved Her From The Pain Of Numerous Genetic Medical Conditions

Meet Lisa Fregoso from Washington State, a resilient woman battling severe genetic medical conditions that have wreaked havoc on her health. Her journey took a dramatic turn 10 years ago when she lost all of her upper teeth due to the damage caused by these conditions. The excruciating pain was unbearable until she discovered the remarkable relief provided by a simple cannabis cookie soaked in milk. Once reliant on 30 pharmaceuticals a day, she's now down to just four, thanks to the healing properties of this incredible plant. Her inspiring journey highlights the potential of cannabis to improve lives in ways traditional medicine couldn't.

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Episode 363: Cannabis Restored Her Quality of Life After A Series of Freak Accidents

Joy's life changed in 1997 when a driver ran a red light and blindsided her car. She had to give up her business, lost her marriage, and was put on 13 pharmaceutical medications for the ailments she was experiencing. But Joy Davies of British Columbia, Canada started on cannabis and her quality of life improved significantly. But that's not the end of her journey. Over the ensuing years, she suffered several concussions including one while getting on an airplane when a laptop computer fell on her head from the overhead luggage area. And there were more vehicle mishaps adding to her woes. What a story!

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Episode 327: A Host Of Health Issues Relieved With Cannabis

Her body ached to the point of sleeping only a few hours a night, her weight increased, and she had numerous other serious health issues to deal with. "I was a mess," admitted Dana Daubenspeck of Oklahoma. Since using cannabis over the last 10 months, she has lost 73 pounds, sleeps better and her health issues have, for the most part, resolved themselves. This is a very inspirational story!

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Episode 259: From 30 Pharmaceuticals A Day To Zero, Thanks To Cannabis

Barb Johnson from Colorado has been a long time sufferer from painful fibromyalgia. To make matters worse, she was hit by a car and broke 27 bones in her body. To deal with her pain, she was on 30 pharmaceutical pills a day. Now that she's using cannabis, the pills are gone and she can function normally.

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