Posts in Podcast
Episode 428: Given Months To Live With Brain Cancer More Than 7 Years Ago

In 2017, Scott Burgess from the UK faced a devastating diagnosis: glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive and often fatal form of brain cancer with a very low survival rate. Despite undergoing multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, his tumor kept returning, leaving him with few options and dwindling hope. But when faced with his third diagnosis, Scott decided to take a different path. Embracing the healing potential of cannabis and making transformative lifestyle changes, Scott has defied the odds. Join us as we dive into Scott’s incredible story of resilience, hope, and natural healing.

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Episode 427: From Postpartum Struggles to Cannabis Advocate: A Journey of Healing

The inspiring cannabis story of Monica Olano from New Orleans, Louisiana began two years ago after facing severe complications during the birth of her twins. This difficult experience led to postpartum depression and anxiety, which she initially tried to manage with alcohol, only to find it worsening her ability to care for her three young children. In her search for healthier alternatives, she discovered the benefits of medical marijuana, which became a crucial part of her recovery and transformation.

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Episode 426: She Used Cannabis For Crohn's Disease, Even While Pregnant

We're thrilled to welcome back Annette Hendrix from Oklahoma who first shared her journey with us over four years ago. After developing Crohn's disease following the birth of her first child, Annette found relief through cannabis, diet changes, and exercise, even navigating the stigma of using cannabis while pregnant. Join us for an inspiring update on her ongoing journey to health and wellness.

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Episode 425: She's Overcoming A Brain Tumor and Genetic Cancer Surgeries

Our remarkable guest is Katie Romanczuk from Chicago. Katie's journey is one of incredible resilience and strength, having faced a challenging medical history including a brain tumor diagnosis and multiple preventive surgeries for genetic cancer. She has battled through paralysis, relearned to walk and talk, and found innovative ways to manage her seizures. Join us as we dive into her inspiring story of determination and hope. 

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Episode 424: Told She Had Months To Live More Than 8 Years Ago

When Lynn Cameron of Scotland was diagnosed with brain cancer over eight years ago, she received a devastating prognosis: just 18 months to live. Despite undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, it was cannabis that ultimately saved her life—a fact her oncologist still refuses to acknowledge. Today, routine scans reveal a remarkable truth: Lynn is cancer-free. Join us as we delve into her incredible journey of defying the odds and uncovering the healing power of cannabis.

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Episode 423: Cannabis Saved Her From The Pain Of Numerous Genetic Medical Conditions

Meet Lisa Fregoso from Washington State, a resilient woman battling severe genetic medical conditions that have wreaked havoc on her health. Her journey took a dramatic turn 10 years ago when she lost all of her upper teeth due to the damage caused by these conditions. The excruciating pain was unbearable until she discovered the remarkable relief provided by a simple cannabis cookie soaked in milk. Once reliant on 30 pharmaceuticals a day, she's now down to just four, thanks to the healing properties of this incredible plant. Her inspiring journey highlights the potential of cannabis to improve lives in ways traditional medicine couldn't.

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Episode 422: A Traumatic Brain Injury Relieved With Cannabis

While working as a pediatric nurse in October of 2016, Nikki Lawley of New York state experienced a traumatic brain injury that changed her life forever. She was off work and taking 16 pharmaceuticals daily and her health was so unbearable that she contemplated suicide until fate intervened and she discovered the health benefits of cannabis. Her journey from darkness to light is inspiring and a testament to the human spirit.

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Episode 421: He Cleared His Pancreatic Cancer In Just A Few Months

Discover the incredible journey of Bob Jansen and his wife Tami as they share their inspiring story. After experiencing persistent stomach pains, Bob was shocked by a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Despite undergoing 12 rounds of chemotherapy, it was cannabis oil suppositories that Bob believes were pivotal in his recovery. Now, nearly three years cancer-free, Bob and Tami recount their remarkable battle and triumph over cancer. Tune in to hear their heartfelt and powerful story.

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Episode 420: Her Misdiagnosed Stage 4 Lung Cancer Metastasized To Her Brain

After a CT scan, Leanna Rumble was initially diagnosed with a fungal infection in her lung. Just a few weeks later, she received the devastating news that she had stage 4 lung cancer. Her surgeon recommended an operation, but her oncologist warned that she would not survive with or without the surgery. In this episode, listen to Leanna from British Columbia, Canada, as she shares her harrowing journey of cancer spreading to her brain and how cannabis ultimately saved her life.

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Episode 419: In 2018, Her Daughter Was Given Only Six Months To Live

In this emotional interview, Meghan Hall of New York talks about the health issues of her daughter Brooklyn and the impact it has had on her family. Brooklyn was diagnosed with a brain tumor the size of a baseball and has undergone 6 surgeries and 33 radiation treatments along with 2 failed shunts. In 2018, doctors gave her only 6 months to live. That's when they turned to cannabis.

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Episode 418: Her Stage 4 Thyroid Cancer Was Cleared After Using Cannabis Oil

After experiencing several serious health issues over the years, Pam Hurst of Utah was diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer with the doctor suggesting she have her thyroid removed. She intuitively knew that was the wrong approach, so she began researching cannabis oil. In November, 2022, after using cannabis oil for a few months, she had a CAT scan and the results stated that no thyroid cancer was detected. 

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Episode 416: Veteran Suffers Serious Health Issues From Anthrax Vaccine

When she was in the US military, Mari Roman of New York was required to get the anthrax vaccine but when she left the military, she began having numerous serious health issues. The doctor even suggested putting an implant in her brain. When a friend suggested cannabis oil, she found that over the course of several months her serious health issues disappeared. Listen to Mari's emotional story.

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Episode 415: Her 22-year-old Son is Now Cancer Free After Neuroblastoma Battle

Katherine from the UK shares the story of her son's incredible battle against olfactory neuroblastoma, a rare nasal cavity tumor, which is typically only seen in young children. Her son was diagnosed at age 22 and bravely faced surgery and conventional treatments. Yet, challenges persisted when he began losing his ability to speak due to a brain tumor discovered last year. Today, there's no evidence of the disease. Get ready to be moved and inspired by this extraordinary tale of resilience and victory.

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Episode 413: The Opioids He Was Taking For a Workplace Injury Gave Him Serious Heart Problems

Russell Langhammer was working at the Dallas Airport during a freak winter storm when he fell and broke his back. Over the years, he was taking opioids for the pain but they negatively changed his personality and gave him heart problems, resulting in him receiving a pacemaker. But thanks to cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, he is off opioids and back to his old self. 

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Episode 412: Cancer Free After Having a Large Tumor In Her Chest

After being checked for a persistent cough, it was revealed that she had a 14.5 centimeter (6 inch) tumor in her chest. After several chemotherapy sessions, Kelly Doering of Colorado felt the chemo was doing more damage than the cancer, so she relied exclusively on cannabis for her treatment and now is cancer free. Kelly has written a book about her journey entitled: Rocky Mountain High Priestess.

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Episode 410: Her Anal Canal Cancer That Spread To Her Vagina Is Gone!

Last summer, Susan Skarbek of Vancouver, Washington was told she had stage 4 anal canal cancer with the tumor hitting her rectum and invading her vagina and two lymph nodes. She did one round of chemotherapy but refused to continue because of the side effects. She did numerous rounds of proton radiation but was told she faced radical surgeries if it didn't clear up. However, when she began using cannabis oil, and had a checkup a few weeks ago, doctors were shocked that her original tumor was gone.

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