Posts tagged brain tumor
Episode 428: Given Months To Live With Brain Cancer More Than 7 Years Ago

In 2017, Scott Burgess from the UK faced a devastating diagnosis: glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive and often fatal form of brain cancer with a very low survival rate. Despite undergoing multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, his tumor kept returning, leaving him with few options and dwindling hope. But when faced with his third diagnosis, Scott decided to take a different path. Embracing the healing potential of cannabis and making transformative lifestyle changes, Scott has defied the odds. Join us as we dive into Scott’s incredible story of resilience, hope, and natural healing.

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Episode 419: In 2018, Her Daughter Was Given Only Six Months To Live

In this emotional interview, Meghan Hall of New York talks about the health issues of her daughter Brooklyn and the impact it has had on her family. Brooklyn was diagnosed with a brain tumor the size of a baseball and has undergone 6 surgeries and 33 radiation treatments along with 2 failed shunts. In 2018, doctors gave her only 6 months to live. That's when they turned to cannabis.

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Episode 379: Given 18 Months To Live With An Inoperable Brain Tumor—5 Years Ago

Five years ago Steve Allgood was diagnosed with inoperable brain stem cancer two days before his wedding and told he had 18 months to live. But he went ahead with his wedding and in the subsequent years is the proud father of two children. He uses cannabis oil to deal with his brain tumor, which remains stable, and most recently has been taking "magic mushrooms" to deal with the difficult mental issue of living with a brain tumor.

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Episode 357: An Update From Woman Whose Brain Surgeon Threw Away Part of Her Skull

The doctor not only threw part of her skull in the trash, but for some inexplicable reason he also failed to remove her brain tumor. The tumor and a cyst were blocking the spinal fluid going to her brain. This left Shanie Cognevich of New Orleans with a MRSA staph infection, brain damaged, legally blind and disabled. She was bedridden and, by her own admission, she was dying. But with the use of cannabis she got a new lease on life. A truly remarkable story!

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Episode 331: His Brain Tumor is Rapidly Shrinking Three Years After Fatal Diagnosis

In October 2018, at the age of 40, he was diagnosed with brain cancer and given 13 to 18 months to live. He underwent standard of care, including 35 rounds of radiation, but a new tumor emerged in the same area two years later. His girlfriend, Alicia Foster of Nova Scotia, Canada, tells the remarkable story of her boyfriend Jimmy and the use of cannabis and clean diet that's having a positive impact on his recovery. His latest scan this month shows the tumor shrinking.

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Episode 279: She Eliminated Her Terminal Brain Tumor

In 2012, Jessamyn Way, now living in Oregon, was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor in the brain stem. She was told it was terminal. She was overweight, and on numerous medications which caused a host of health issues. But she turned to cannabis, went from a size 24 to a size 6 and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. And the tumor? It's gone. Join Jessamyn and her husband Todd tell her amazing story.

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Episode 270: Doctors Gave Her Child 6 Months To Live But Cannabis Is Giving Her New Hope

Doctors removed a baseball sized brain tumor from her 3 year old daughter and more operations followed. But when doctors gave her daughter only 6 months to live in December of 2018, Meghan Hall of New York state took matters into her own hands and began administering cannabis oil which drastically improved her daughter's quality of life. This is a heart wrenching story of parental dedication and perseverance.

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Episode 268: Still Cancer Free Over 4 Years After Deadly Brain Tumor Diagnosis

A revisit with Lynn Cameron of Scotland who has been cancer free for nearly 4 and a half years. When originally diagnosed with a deadly form of brain cancer, doctors gave her only 6 to 18 months to live. But with her discovery of the medical benefits of cannabis, Lynn is thriving and is an inspiration to all those who use cannabis for their ailments and illnesses.

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Episode 237: Cannabis Helps Woman Recover From Botched Brain Surgery

A botched operation to remove a brain tumor left her with a mrsa staph infection, brain damage, legally blind, and totally disabled. Cannabis is helping her regain her health while she fights for legalization so other patients don't have to suffer financial devastation from receiving conventional treatments like she did.

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