Posts tagged brain cancer
Episode 428: Given Months To Live With Brain Cancer More Than 7 Years Ago

In 2017, Scott Burgess from the UK faced a devastating diagnosis: glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive and often fatal form of brain cancer with a very low survival rate. Despite undergoing multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, his tumor kept returning, leaving him with few options and dwindling hope. But when faced with his third diagnosis, Scott decided to take a different path. Embracing the healing potential of cannabis and making transformative lifestyle changes, Scott has defied the odds. Join us as we dive into Scott’s incredible story of resilience, hope, and natural healing.

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Episode 424: Told She Had Months To Live More Than 8 Years Ago

When Lynn Cameron of Scotland was diagnosed with brain cancer over eight years ago, she received a devastating prognosis: just 18 months to live. Despite undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, it was cannabis that ultimately saved her life—a fact her oncologist still refuses to acknowledge. Today, routine scans reveal a remarkable truth: Lynn is cancer-free. Join us as we delve into her incredible journey of defying the odds and uncovering the healing power of cannabis.

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Episode 387: Given Two Years To Live With A Rare Brain Cancer—19 Years Ago

When he was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer in 2004, former police officer Jason Berger of Cleveland, Ohio was told he only had two years to live. He has had numerous treatments over the years, with his cancer returning on a number of occasions, but he attributes his longevity to cannabis and has become a vocal advocate for its use. This September marks the 19th year of his survival. This is a truly remarkable story from a man who never quits.

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Episode 379: Given 18 Months To Live With An Inoperable Brain Tumor—5 Years Ago

Five years ago Steve Allgood was diagnosed with inoperable brain stem cancer two days before his wedding and told he had 18 months to live. But he went ahead with his wedding and in the subsequent years is the proud father of two children. He uses cannabis oil to deal with his brain tumor, which remains stable, and most recently has been taking "magic mushrooms" to deal with the difficult mental issue of living with a brain tumor.

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Episode 377: She Got the "All Clear" After Using Cannabis to Get Rid Of Her Brain Tumors

It has been a long and emotional road for Kelly Hauf from Oklahoma, who was originally diagnosed with a brain tumor in the year 2000. That began more than 10 years of anxiety and stress until it was discovered the tumor was growing and a second brain tumor was found. Rejecting conventional treatment, Kelly and her husband Rick began a long journey of learning about cannabis oil, using it and then getting the "all clear" a number of months after following the protocol. Rick started using cannabis oil for his prostate issue with great success. 

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Episode 357: An Update From Woman Whose Brain Surgeon Threw Away Part of Her Skull

The doctor not only threw part of her skull in the trash, but for some inexplicable reason he also failed to remove her brain tumor. The tumor and a cyst were blocking the spinal fluid going to her brain. This left Shanie Cognevich of New Orleans with a MRSA staph infection, brain damaged, legally blind and disabled. She was bedridden and, by her own admission, she was dying. But with the use of cannabis she got a new lease on life. A truly remarkable story!

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Episode 356: Her Brain Tumor Is Gone And She's Cancer Free!

When she was diagnosed with brain cancer in the summer of 2017, Sheriann Baker of Toronto opted for surgery to remove the tumor. But the surgeons could not get it all and had to leave 3 percent. When she refused chemo and radiation, she was told she had roughly two years to live. But Sheriann had other ideas. She started taking cannabis oil, changed her diet, and is now cancer free—5 years later.

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Episode 335: He Was Given Months To Live With Brain Cancer—5 Years Ago

Jason Dullaghan of the UK went to see a doctor when was experiencing double vision. Following an MRI in March of 2017, he was diagnosed with brain stem glioma, stage 4. His doctor gave him 8 to 14 months to live. He got sick two days into chemo and was hospitalized with septicaemia and pneumonia so the chemo was stopped. He did, however, undergo 6 months of daily radiation treatment. Jason tells us that his true healing really began with his use of cannabis oil.

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Episode 293: Given Months To Live After Brain Cancer Returned A Third Time

When told by doctors that he had just months to live following the detection of brain cancer for the third time, Scott Burgess from the UK was running out of options. His body could not take any more chemo or radiation treatments so he began a detox and started a serious cannabis protocol. After his latest MRI scan a couple of months ago, he was told he has "no active cancer".

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Episode 278: Diagnosed With Terminal Brain Cancer 2 Days Before His Wedding

Just over two years ago, 28 year old Steve Allgood got the shock of his life when he was diagnosed with terminal brain stem cancer. He was getting married in two days' time. He was given 9 to 18 months to live. His doctor told him there were no treatments to cure his disease and to go home, make memories and enjoy what time he had left. He did not accept that answer and with the use of cannabis oil, and diet changes his most recent brain scan in June of this year shows signs of improvement and no new growth.

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Episode 260: Former Police Officer Given 2 Years To Live, 15 Years Ago

He's one of the longest survivors of a rare form of brain cancer. Former police officer Jason Berger from Cleveland, Ohio was given 2 years to live by doctors, but he's a fighter. After 15 years he has undergone numerous procedures but attributes part of his longevity to the use of cannabis and speaks passionately about it.

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Episode 257: Doctors Gave Her 2 Years To Live If She Refused Chemo and Radiation

In August 2017, Sherriann Baker was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Doctors gave her 2 years to live if she did not undergo chemo and radiation. She refused and instead opted for surgery to remove most of the tumour. Cannabis and dietary changes got rid of the rest and she's cancer free today more than 2 1/2 years later!

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Episode 241: Her 20 Brain Tumors Are Gone, But Now She's Fighting Lung Cancer

At age 51 Sherri was diagnosed with 20 brain tumors and doctors gave her just a couple of weeks to live. Her husband desperately researched solutions and found out about cannabis oil. Using it helped her eradicate all the brain tumors, but now she's facing another battle: lung cancer. Can cannabis save her again?

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