Posts tagged cancer
Episode 340: With Multiple Cancers He Was Given Six Months To Live

Four years ago, Phillip Watkins of Wales was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, bones and blood. His prognosis was not good: only 6 months to live. He tried two sessions of chemotherapy but did not continue because he said, "It nearly killed me." He then began using cannabis oil to clear himself of his serious health issues. However, when he stopped his maintenance dose a year ago the cancer returned to his spleen and liver. After getting back on the oil, a recent scan showed no trace of cancer.

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Episode 282: Her Teenage Daughter Was Given Months To Live Two Years Ago

When Larrisah was 13 years old she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent conventional medical treatment. Two years later she had a relapse and was given weeks to a couple of months to live. She started taking cannabis oil and this past May she graduated from high school. Listen as her mother Lynn from Florida tells us this heart-warming story.

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Episode 276: She Credits Cannabis With Keeping Her Alive

When she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, Michelle Kendall, who speaks to us from Colorado, underwent conventional treatment. However, when she switched to using cannabis she saw her tumors shrink and she became a cannabis for cancer warrior. She says if it wasn't for cannabis, she would be close to dead right now. Hear her emotional story.

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Episode 271: His Wife Died In Hospital When Denied Cannabis For Her Brain Tumor

When his wife was given 14 months to live with Glioblastoma Multiforme, Rusty Reynolds of New Jersey began his search to help her deal with this aggressive and deadly brain cancer. The tumor in her brain stopped growing, but when she was hospitalized, doctors refused to allow Rusty to give his wife cannabis and she died. A tragic story told by a loving husband.

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Episode 270: Doctors Gave Her Child 6 Months To Live But Cannabis Is Giving Her New Hope

Doctors removed a baseball sized brain tumor from her 3 year old daughter and more operations followed. But when doctors gave her daughter only 6 months to live in December of 2018, Meghan Hall of New York state took matters into her own hands and began administering cannabis oil which drastically improved her daughter's quality of life. This is a heart wrenching story of parental dedication and perseverance.

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Episode 268: Still Cancer Free Over 4 Years After Deadly Brain Tumor Diagnosis

A revisit with Lynn Cameron of Scotland who has been cancer free for nearly 4 and a half years. When originally diagnosed with a deadly form of brain cancer, doctors gave her only 6 to 18 months to live. But with her discovery of the medical benefits of cannabis, Lynn is thriving and is an inspiration to all those who use cannabis for their ailments and illnesses.

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Episode 266: EXCLUSIVE: Dangers Of Popular Chemo Drug Kept From Public

A former insider speaks out for the first time about how she was told to falsify the reports on the side effects of a chemotherapy drug, deleting or minimizing the risks. She refused and quit her job. Today that drug is commonly used for cancer treatment. Knowing what she does, she's using cannabis oil to treat her own cancer.

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Episode 263: She Refused a Mastectomy And Is Now Cancer Free Thanks To Cannabis Oil

When she was diagnosed with Paget Disease, a rare type of breast cancer of the nipple, Kathy Johnson of Texas was told by doctors that she needed a double mastectomy. She refused and began her journey researching cannabis oil. Eight months later she went back to the doctor and was told she was clear of cancer.

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Episode 260: Former Police Officer Given 2 Years To Live, 15 Years Ago

He's one of the longest survivors of a rare form of brain cancer. Former police officer Jason Berger from Cleveland, Ohio was given 2 years to live by doctors, but he's a fighter. After 15 years he has undergone numerous procedures but attributes part of his longevity to the use of cannabis and speaks passionately about it.

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Episode 255: Combination of Chemo And Cannabis Quickly Cleared His Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

After being diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma, Mike Bradie from Ontario, Canada made a plan to combine his three chemo treatments with cannabis oil before, during and after treatment. In very short order he was declared to be in remission and has remained cancer free since July of last year.

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Episode 242: Sent Home To Die With 64 Cancerous Tumors, He's Now Cancer Free

Jaycob Davis was 28 years old when he was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma that had metastasized throughout his body. Conventional treatments were unsuccessful and doctors sent him home to die. He started with cannabis oil (RSO) and ended up losing 100 pounds, but better than that, was recently declared cancer free!

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