Posts tagged thyroid cancer
Episode 418: Her Stage 4 Thyroid Cancer Was Cleared After Using Cannabis Oil

After experiencing several serious health issues over the years, Pam Hurst of Utah was diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer with the doctor suggesting she have her thyroid removed. She intuitively knew that was the wrong approach, so she began researching cannabis oil. In November, 2022, after using cannabis oil for a few months, she had a CAT scan and the results stated that no thyroid cancer was detected. 

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Episode 370: He Was Told He Would Die Unless He Had His Cancerous Thyroid Removed—He Refused

When he was told he had thyroid cancer, the doctor told him he would die if he didn't have it removed and undergo conventional treatment. But Myles Critchley of the UK refused and took his health into his own hands. Changing his diet, he lost more than half his body weight—which eliminated his type 2 diabetes—and he started taking cannabis oil. Six months later he was declared cancer free. What an incredibly inspirational story!

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Episode 336: She's Using Cannabis Oil For Her Stubborn Thyroid Cancer

Katie Hazen of Oklahoma City was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2017 that had spread through her lymph system. She had her first of four surgeries along with a radiation treatment that had her segregated to a single room while her two children and pets had to leave the house for the duration. Her doctors told her that they might be able to give her another 10 years. She's now using cannabis to deal with her health issues.

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