Posts tagged lung cancer
Episode 420: Her Misdiagnosed Stage 4 Lung Cancer Metastasized To Her Brain

After a CT scan, Leanna Rumble was initially diagnosed with a fungal infection in her lung. Just a few weeks later, she received the devastating news that she had stage 4 lung cancer. Her surgeon recommended an operation, but her oncologist warned that she would not survive with or without the surgery. In this episode, listen to Leanna from British Columbia, Canada, as she shares her harrowing journey of cancer spreading to her brain and how cannabis ultimately saved her life.

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Episode 402: He Cleared His Lung Cancer In Only Three Months

When Ray Elmore of Illinois was being prepped for his hiatal hernia surgery, a routine chest x-ray found that he had two cancerous nodules on his lung. He was confident that cannabis oil would clear it and told the doctor that he would have it gone within 90 days. He began a regimen on cannabis oil working up to two grams a day. In his next doctor's visit his blood work showed zero cancer in his system.

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Episode 383: Now Cancer Free After Deadly Lung Cancer Diagnosis

In late October of 2021, Jim Colvard of Orlando, Florida was diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma, the most common primary lung cancer in the United States and the leading cause of death. It has a strong association with smoking and Jim was a smoker. He had a few conventional treatments but he and his wife Dana Beardshear attribute the use of cannabis oil for effectively dealing with the cancer. He has had three scans with "no evidence of disease." 

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Episode 376: He Credits Cannabis With Saving His Life After Lung Cancer Diagnosis

When he was diagnosed with lung cancer, Mark Winter of Arizona underwent chemotherapy but was told to call hospice and be comfortable as there wasn't anything further that doctors could do for him. But when he stumbled on cannabis oil, Mark began taking it and has recovered from his cancer leaving him with what doctors describe as COPD. Without cannabis oil, he readily admits he wouldn't be alive today. 

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Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years

When David Price of New Brunswick, Canada was diagnosed with lung cancer 6 years ago, he refused chemo and radiation and began taking cannabis paste. In only 10 weeks his lung cancer was gone and he has been cancer free ever since. We first interviewed David 6 years ago and in this interview he gives us an update and talks about the amazing healing properties of cannabis.

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Episode 343: She's Using Cannabis Oil For Stage 4 Lung Cancer

When she was diagnosed in late 2019 with stage 4 lung cancer that had metastasized to her bones, chest, legs and lymph nodes, her oncologist said she had 6 to 12 months to live. But several months later she was told she had a genetic mutation and that 50% of people with this condition live for 5 years. Jay Jay (who doesn't want her real name used) from Ontario, Canada is using cannabis oil to help her deal with her condition.

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