Posts in Podcast
Episode 316: Cannabis Helps His 15 Vertebrae Fractures and Other Spinal Issues

All of 35 year old Garrett Vogel's vertebrae fractures are the result of non traumatic events, including simply rolling over in bed. He also suffers from spondylitis, degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, sciatica, and osteoporosis, along with numerous other health issues including seizures. He tried the fentanyl patch but never experienced relief until he began using cannabis and got off fentanyl.

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Episode 315: Cannabis Has Been A Life Saver For His Many Severe Symptoms

James Tripp from Ontario, Canada had a host of issues including diverticulosis, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression, many of which were caused by spinal damage. With the use of cannabis, he says he has gone from 60% functionality at best to more than 95%. He also developed a cannabis protocol to help with his mother's Alzheimer's. In this fascinating interview, James also talks about the head-on vehicle collision he was involved in a month before our interview.

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Episode 314: Former Dance Instructor Battles Degenerative Disc Disease With Cannabis

When she was teaching a dance class 8 years ago, Gabrielle Dion Visca of Cincinnati, Ohio suddenly lost feeling in her right foot. Over the ensuing weeks, she couldn't feel any sensation in either foot. After being diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, she underwent 3 surgeries in a little over two years and was fighting to control her growing addiction to opiates. With the introduction of cannabis, her life turned around dramatically.

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Episode 313: Cannabis Helped Her Recover From a Collapsed Spine & Opioid Addiction

Jolanda Petzer of South Africa was only 19 years old when her back pain began. Over the years it became worse and she lived in constant pain. She had her first operation in 2007 and was told she had spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis and extensive nerve damage. She became addicted to opioids to manage the pain and attempted suicide by swallowing a handful of pills. After that, she started on cannabis and has been off pharmaceuticals for two years.

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Episode 312: Near Death's Doorstep With Liver Disease

While living in southern California, Canadian Paul Baker developed severe pain in his lower abdominal area, prompting him to see his medical doctor in Canada in April of 2016. He was diagnosed with stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver as well as Hepatitis C. His doctor told him if he didn't stop drinking he would be dead in 6 months. He began using cannabis oil and after gallbladder surgery in March of this year, the surgeon (who knew of his liver problems) told him his liver was looking good!

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Episode 311: Police Officer Uses Cannabis For Her Metastasized Breast Cancer

When she was diagnosed with breast cancer just over 3 years ago, she underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. Over a year later, the cancer returned with a vengeance metastasizing to her sternum, pelvis and lower back. The doctor said, "You're going to die from this." But Ton and her husband Alex from California were determined to win the battle. She started using cannabis oil and is starting to lead a normal life after "walking hunched over because the tumors were so big." After her last scan, she was told there is no active cancer.

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Episode 310: Veteran Suffers Multiple Tumors From the Anthrax Vaccine

Jody Hendrix from Oklahoma was among more than 2 million US military personnel given the anthrax vaccine in the late 90s. He developed cancerous growths over his body as well as in his lymph system. Doctors said without traditional treatment he only had 12 to 18 months to live. But Jody refused and began researching, and eventually using, cannabis oil along with a form of cannabis extract called shatter. His journey has not been easy but he's winning.

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Episode 309: The Remarkable Story Of An 11 Year Old Girl With Acute Myeloid Leukemia

River was healthy until the age of 11 when she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. After three rounds of chemotherapy she developed a rare fungal infection that led to meningitis, causing blindness along with other health issues. After nearly a year in hospital, doctors said she would not survive as there was nothing more they could do. But her mother refused to give up and began giving her daughter cannabis oil. Although still blind, two years later River is getting better. River's mother joins us from the UK to share her daughter's story.

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Episode 308: She Used Cannabis Oil To Deal With Her Ovarian Cancer

When she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2017, Julie underwent surgery to have it removed but her oncologist also wanted her to have chemotherapy treatments, which she refused. Instead, she decided to fight cancer with a ketogenic diet and the use of cannabis oil. She is now cancer free. Hear Julie and her husband Alan from Tennessee tell us the story of how cannabis changed their lives.

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Episode 307: Weediatrics: A Powerful Documentary on Cannabis and Kids

What would you do if your child had extreme behavioural issues and conventional medicine only prescribed opiates? Would you try cannabis? This excellent documentary, "Weediatrics - A Covert Medical Mission", takes us behind the scenes to show the daily hardship that parents, living in illegal states, go through to secure medical cannabis to help their ailing child. The threat of being arrested, prison or having their child taken from them by Child Protection Services is not enough to stop these parents from doing anything and everything to help their child. It's powerful, emotional and a must see.

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Episode 306: Cannabis Oil Helped Save Her Life After Cancer

When her cancer metastasized to her spine, Vivienne Marcsik of England reluctantly underwent conventional treatment but her health only became worse. She says she was dying not from cancer, but from conventional cancer treatments. She discharged herself from hospital and sought an alternative treatment: cannabis oil. The transformation in her health was amazing. Today she can walk and run again and is pain and symptom free.

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Episode 305: Her Stage 4 Brain Tumor Is Shrinking

She went to the hospital in August of 2019 with a severe migraine that she'd been having on and off for weeks and was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. Six days later, surgery removed 90% of the tumor that was the size of a golf ball but they had to leave part that was surrounding an artery. She was given 12 months to live. With the use of cannabis oil and dietary changes, the remaining tumor is shrinking with no activity measured. Elin Rasmussen Hiebert along with her husband Clint Hiebert from Manitoba, Canada share their amazing story.

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Episode 304: Refusing Chemo Or Radiation, She Is Cancer Free After A Mastectomy

Four weeks after giving birth to her second child in 2017, Ashlee Williams of Alberta, Canada was diagnosed with aggressive, triple positive breast cancer--one of the most aggressive types of breast cancer. Refusing chemo and radiation, she undertook dietary changes and began using cannabis oil. When the breast cancer returned two years later, she underwent a right breast mastectomy. In January of this year, her CT scan showed she was "clear of all disease."

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Episode 303: He Declined Bladder Removal And Turned To Cannabis Instead

He adamantly refused chemo and radiation for his bladder cancer but, after multiple surgeries over the years, David Hine of Wales was told he needed to have his bladder removed and replaced with a pig's bladder or a bag. In no uncertain terms, he declined that procedure. When a friend sent him a video of how to make cannabis oil he started making his own. Today, he feels better than ever and his bladder cancer is gone!

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Episode 302: Breast Cancer That Metastasized To Her Lungs And Bones

She had hormone driven breast cancer as well as HER2 positive, which grows and spreads faster than other breast cancers. Following a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery, Michelle from Scotland was told a few years later that the cancer had metastasized to her lungs and bones. Using cannabis oil and radical dietary changes, in which she lost more than 50 pounds, Michelle found out a few weeks ago that there is no sign of cancer.

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Episode 300: She Manages Her Painful Crohn's Disease With Cannabis

At the age of 17 she began developing extreme digestive issues and back pain. By the time she turned 20, Nikki Jackson of British Columbia, Canada, was on 15 different pharmaceuticals for digestive pain and some for the resulting anxiety/depression of being diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Using cannabis for the last 8 years is the only thing that helps her manage her pain and digestive issues.

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Episode 298: Suppositories Are Considered The Most Effective Way To Take Cannabis Oil

Over many years, researcher and cannabis activist Bozidar Radisic of Slovenia has successfully treated thousands of people with cannabis oil via suppositories. Researchers have found that the lymph system, which helps get rid of toxins and unwanted materials allowing the body to heal, contains higher concentrations of CBD and THC. Suppositories are given rectally and vaginally because those areas of the body are considered prime areas of lymph activity. The other benefit is no psychoactive effect.

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